Monday, February 11, 2008

Fabric/Fiber Choice

I still need to stitch up a sample to be certain, but I'm pretty sure this is what I'm going to use to Hannah. It's fabric and fibers I already had in my stash, so that's a bonus! I took it down to Terri's on Saturday to let her see it and she thought it looked really good together, too.

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The fabric is 36-count Tundra by Lakeside Linens. The fiber is Snoqualmie Falls from the now defunct Needle Necessities. They look really nice in the floss toss, almost as if they were meant to be together. Hopefully they'll look equally good when I stitch up a test piece.


Carol R said...

Those look great together Melissa. Look forward to seeing a stitched sample

Annette said...

Very nice! The funny thing? I *think* I picked up two skeins of that color at my LNS sale last week and considered it for this piece, too. LOL

Anonymous said...

Those photos don't do it justice! LOL