Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hannah Test

I finally got around to stitching up my test sample using my fabric & fiber choices. I was still going back and forth over whether I wanted to use these colors or go with more traditional sampler colors. After seeing how it all looks together, I'm really happy with my choices.

I can't wait to get started!

Edit: Oops! Carol, I guess that would've helped if I had mentioned that in my post, huh?! LOL Yes, I did end up deciding to stick with the Tundra linen and Snoqualmie Falls NN.


Tracy said...

It looks really good. My fabric should be here on Mon/Tues - so I hope to do the same thing!

Carol R said...

Great choice Melissa! Tundra with Snoqualmie Falls or did you change you mind?
I have changed my mind yet again and am waiting both fabric and floss. I hope it arrives so I can start on time!