Monday, March 24, 2008


I already have my fabric and floss chosen, but without a chart, it's hard to get started!!!

Note to self: Skip the LNS when you know where to get the blasted chart.


Carol R said...

Maybe you and I will start at the same time Annette? No sign of my floss arriving in the UK from the US but hopefully it won't be too long!

Anonymous said...

Especially if that LNS is ABCStitch.


Melissa said...

Oh no, Annette! I actually had ordered from ABC Stitch initially and waited and waited with no results. After 3.5 weeks, I finally cancelled with them and ordered directly from Gitta's (the same place ABC was getting it). It arrived to me 5 days later and actually ended up costing 90 cents less than if I had gotten it from ABC!

Tracy said...

Yep, I canceled my ABC order after waiting 5 weeks. Got it from Gitta's in less than a week.

Carol R said...

I ordered mine from Gitta's too and it only took 5 days to arrive in the UK